Sirjuseyo is a mobile application that mainly provides financial services to young people.
Sirjuseyo is a mobile application that mainly provides financial services to young people. Also, it provides a part-time job market that young people could find a job and work to earn money. It collects the reputation of each part-timer, and it uses them as a credit to evaluate when a user asks for a microloan.
The app consisted of a part developed by React Native and a natively developed part. So it was challenging to become accustomed to developing in the hybrid environment. So I fixed several critical errors and layouts and rearchitected the app using the MVVM pattern.
Lastly, I developed a newly designed home screen that is a portal of all the services. It was challenging because the deadline was tight. As a result, I could meet the deadline because I had prepared the MVVM architecture during the maintenance work period. So it enabled me to add a new scene and feature quickly.
The CEO said,
"Even though there was a complicated development history in the app, Victor completed the job successfully, and it helped a lot to our business growth."